Probus Club of Kitchener-Waterloo |
Probus Car Rallies
Each year, KW Probus organizes a car rally for members to explore countryside surrounding the Kitchener-Waterloo area. Organizers begin identifying the route 3-4 months prior to the Rally date, and take note of sightings and historical information along the way for Rally participants to locate. The routes are generally less than 100 kilometers, avoid driving on major roads, and incorporate a break for coffee and a light snack at the midway point.
Rally teams consist of a driver, a navigator and two observers. Participants meet at the route's starting point, leaving at approximately 2 minute increments, then use their driving instructions to navigate the route and locate answers to the Rally's questions.
The rally concludes at a local restaurant for a lunch buffet or dinner, depending on the ending time of the Rally. Prizes are awarded to the teams that respond with the highest number of correct answers.